Math Thinking. Math Talking.

 We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry.

Maria Mitchell

I am currently taking my Primary/Junior Math Specialist AQ this spring. There has been a subsidy available for years to take Math AQs and I was on the path to finish this specialist 5 years ago when I moved into the library role but of course then my focus shifted and I finished the two AQs I need for my teacher-librarian specialist. Last year I did Teaching First Nations. Metis and Inuit Children through ETFO with a colleague and it was a great learning experience. I am glad to be back studying math and pedagogy together though, it's definitely one my my favourite things about being back in the classroom. 

For a recent prompt we were asked to read this article and respond with our ideas by analyzing the teacher's work in the classroom and using the framework: 

So What? 
Now What?

My response to the prompt was the following:

One teaching decision that the teacher made that stood out for me was choosing Aniyah’s to present, calling on students to interact and question the presentation and knowing/deciding when to interact with the student’s discussion and line of questioning regarding the fractional representation on a number line. On page 15 of the text it states, “Teaching does not cause learning.” and that really was an “aha” moment in the reading for me as I connected it back to my previous reading of Trevor Mackenzie’s book Inquiry Mindset. This book really helped me to structure how I viewed teaching/learning and a lot of the ideas are echoed through this reading and the pedagogical decisions made by the teacher throughout the short but impactful discussion of fractions

This sketchnote that is from Trevor Mackenzie’s website outlines some of the ideas from the book and I can see that the teacher’s knowledge of effective pedagogical practices is connected to numbers 2, 4, 7, 8 and 9. I also think that her specialized knowledge of math content played a big role in this routine as she would have needed to pose a question related to both fractions and number lines that goes well beyond memorizing facts and quickly assessing which students would be able to use their representations to ask probing questions of Aniyah in order to go beyond the “agreement/disagreement” of her presentation of her math thinking.

As I have been out of the traditional classroom for the last 5 years I have interacted with students as much in their math learning so while this article didn’t change anything about what I think about teaching, it did highlight for me the importance of viewing the teaching and learning of math from an inquiry stance. I noticed in the example that has the teacher had the students listening and questioning the mathematical representation shared by Aniyah she ensured that they were using probing questions to not only support Aniyah in sharing her thinking but to provide an opportunity for other students to hear and see math concepts being discussed in a broad sense beyond the idea of “right/wrong” which would effectively shut down the learning of any students who didn’t have the same response. I think the choice in students to present demonstrates the teacher’s knowledge of her students and I would be interested to know the timing of this interaction during the school year as choosing students to share and present this type of prompt would be different at the start of the school year to now (Spring) and even then there might be students who are never ready for this kind of focused attention from the class.

This important is important because the discussion provides time and space for students to check in with their own thinking about how they represented the problem, they see each other as co-learners within the math classroom and that the teacher is not centred as the “lead “ of the learning. I especially liked how she structured the discussion as not a time for “agreeing or disagreeing” but consider, reiterate and think about the math ideas being explored. 

I am very interested to see how I might look back at my reading and learning from Inquiry Mindset and from this new information in order to  influence my classroom practice with our weekly routine involving math talks and problem solving. We often explore numberless word problems or visual representations of problems in order to think creatively about the math ideas we are exploring. This is an example of a Which One Doesn’t Belong? (WODB) that we did recently.

We usually chat together in their small table groups and then students share out what they discussed. I wonder how the thinking would change if I followed the same routine of thinking and writing independently and then 1-2 students sharing and answering questions as outlined in the reading? Would it work for this kind of math talk prompt or would a different problem be needed?

Ball, D. L. (1970, January 1). Uncovering the Special Mathematical Work of Teaching. SpringerLink. Retrieved April 22, 2023, from 

MacKenzie, T., & Bathurst-Hunt, R. (2019). Inquiry mindset: Nurturing the dreams, wonders, and curiosities of our youngest learners. Elevate Books Edu.


Whenever I learn something new I want to try it right away in my own practice. I decided to find a few math talk prompts that I was already planning to use and to integrate the discussion protocol outlined by the teacher in the article. The students were asked to write down their thinking and ideas using any format and combination of number, pictures or words they wanted. They then shared with their elbow partner at their desk. First the first prompt I had a few students come up and share how they saw and counted the dice and we stuck to the same "questions only" protocol for the discussion.

As I circulated through the room I noticed that most of the students immediately started to count the dots on the dice and only a few counted the dice themselves. I decided to have those students present their thinking and asnwer questions as it might prompt students to see the picture in a new way. I was happy to see how many students were using our learning about multiplication and grouping to organize their thinking on the page. 

For this prompt the students only saw the first group of dice and then they recorded their thoughts. Then we saw the second group, recorded ideas and finally the third. 

For this prompt we first looked at the image of the bags and discussed with our partners what we know/wonder about the problem. Students then worked independently to solve and we discussed as a class. Again, I was happy to see how many students were working with multiplication and equal groups having moved their thinking past a 1:1 counting.

Both of these prompts were explored on the same day in our math class.

The next day we explored this #unitchat

from Math for Love.

And they WOWED me!!

I posted this picture with the questions "How many?" and "How do you see them?". I had planned to ask them to consider fractions after we had discussed our first ideas but one of my students came right out with the fractions.  You can see from my list om the right that I tried to track the different strands within math that we were exploring as students shared their thoughts. I modeled the question asking this time as each student presented how they saw the #unitchat and how they counted or labelled their ideas.

I am excited to explore this thinking routine more often in math (and possibly other subjects) as we explore more #unitchats and other number talks. 

I'm also curious about how I can bring more inquiry mindset into our math class. 

How might we incorporate student's natural questions and ideas about math? 
How might this help my students develop a deeper understanding of math and connections between ideas/concepts?

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