One Word 2018

A few years ago I learned about choosing one word in lieu of a New Year's Resolution and the idea really stuck with me. I like have an over-arching theme to guide my year and then aligning my goals within that theme.

This year I have chosen NOURISH as my one word. Last year it was CONQUER and the word was a good one as it helped me achieve a number of goals but it never really felt personal enough. Or maybe it was too harsh? Either way I wanted something softer this year that could fit both my personal and professional life.

As the mom of two little girls and a full time educator I don't always have a lot of time for myself (as you can tell by the fact that I started this blog months ago and am just now posting for the second time...) so I want to nourish myself and my time this year. I want to nourish my love of reading, both fiction and professional books and to take more time for self-care. I want to re-awaken my love of fitness, yoga and healthy eating which got pushed aside when I got "too busy" during 2017. This year I will nourish my body and my soul.

I also want to focus the time I spend with my family. Talk to my husband more just for fun. Create with my girls. Be outside. Cook more healthy foods. I think nourish is a fantastic word to describe the time I will spend with my family.

Since I have recently transitioned to the role of teacher-librarian in my school and set some huge goals for our Library Learning Commons. At times I have felt overwhelmed and behind the game as I see all the great things people are doing on Twitter and in blogs. I want to use the word nourish to help remind me that it's a journey and that I am allowed to take time to learn, grown and help guide others on their pedagogical journey as well.

What’s your one word for 2018? Share with the #oned #onewordONT #oneword2018 community!


  1. Love this word choice - NOURISH - since it can be framed in so many ways. I came home after seven weeks of travelling only to find that my two daughters had prepared many, many meals to nourish me in body (and so I didn't need to do any more than reheat things) and gave me time to replenish my soul. Take the opportunity for others to nourish and fill your bucket in the coming year - a gift others give is also a gift to yourself.

  2. Beth, thanks for sharing your word. Two parts stuck out for me in your explanation.
    1) "talk to my husband more just for fun" - I actually had to write myself a note that I've glued to my computer, asking if I've given my husband priority time today. It's sad that I have to do this, but I get so caught up in teaching, and other volunteer jobs that I love but preoccupy me, that sometimes I forget to slow down and give him my full attention for more than just "what did you cook for dinner?" talk
    2) "I have recently transitioned to the role of teacher-librarian" - welcome to the group! Please remember that it takes years and years, and we don't always see the failures of others. It's my 21st year of teaching and my 21st year as a teacher-librarian, and I STILL don't have it all together. My shelves are still a mess and the students still struggle with researching well or citing sources properly. Yes, take time to learn, grow, help and guide. We'll be with you in the Twittersphere for encouragement, advice, or a place to vent! - Diana


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